Monday, March 22, 2010

Tips for Buying a Used Car or Truck

There are many advantages for purchasing a used vehicle rather than a new one. The number one advantage is that you do not have to worry about rapid depreciation rates like you would with a new car or truck. The value of a used vehicle is better, and the prices are more affordable and reasonable. There are a lot of selections for used cars and trucks, and you can decide on many different styles and models to choose from. Older vehicles that are well maintained run great and usually only need minor adjustments. When you are ready to purchase a used car or truck here are some tips for buying your vehicle.

Because you are not the sole driver of the used vehicle, it is important to check the history of the car or truck you want to purchase. Properly maintained vehicles can operate and run smoothly for years, but the reliability can decrease if it was in numerous accidents or not maintained. You can get a history report that documents if the vehicle was in any type of accident. If it was, check the repairs to make sure they were addressed.

There are many things you should look at before you drive a used vehicle off the lot. First you should check the body of it and take your time doing so. There should not be visible damage or scratches. You should also look at the interior and make sure there are not any torn seats or other ripped materials. You can tell if the vehicle was well maintained if the interior and body look nice.

If the vehicle you are looking at has power windows, locks, and steering, you should check to make sure everything is in working order. Ask to take the vehicle on a test drive and make sure the windows roll up and down easily, the steering can be maneuvered to your satisfaction, and check to see if the locks work. Electrical problems can be very costly and can cause annoyance if your windows do not roll down for example.

Another important thing to check for is the heating and air conditioning. This is especially important if you live in a very hot or cold climate. For example, the summer in Austin is extremely hot and you will want your Austin used cars to have cold air condition. If you live in the north, for example, it will be very important to have a working heater for the cold winter months.

Used car dealers also do a lot of these inspections for themselves before the purchase a vehicle from someone. You can ask if they have a history report. If you are uncomfortable checking the interior, exterior, and electrical work you can hire a mechanic to look at some of the more technical components. Used vehicles are a great way to go because of the affordability, value, and running lifetime.

Greg Chapman of Greg Chapman Motors is a knowledgeable and leading provider of used cars, trucks, and SUV’s. Since 1959, Chapman motors has supplied reliable Austin used cars and is known as one of the best used cars austin dealers. For more information please visit

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Courteous Driving Skills

Safe and courteous driving should be practiced every day. If more people drove this way then there would be less road rage and fewer accidents. Being nice will get you a long way in life and this also pertains to the road. As drivers, we should follow all driving rules and laws. Take your time, be polite, and drive safely from destination A to destination B. Following these driving tips, and following the rules of four way stops and yield signs, will make you a courteous driver on the road.

First and foremost, know where you are going. If you are driving to a place you have never been before or are driving in unfamiliar locations, look up maps of the area. You can look up maps online or buy a road map to familiarize yourself with the location you will be driving in. It is a great safety tip to have printed road maps in your vehicle for emergency situations. Even if you have GPS, you should still be familiar with where you are going beforehand. If you know which roads or freeways to take, you are less likely to drive slow, cause traffic, or cut people off. We have all seen the driver that slows down at every road sign to check the name of a street, and sometimes we have even been that driver.

Being courteous on the road will require you to be tolerant and polite. There are different ways to be courteous to other drivers. If someone is driving faster than you or seems to be in a hurry, you should let them pass you safely. Yield when you need to and don’t ignore stop signs or yield signs. If you are making a lane change or a turn, it is polite and safe to use your signal. Doing so will avoid accidents or cutting off other drivers. If you are the driver who is going faster, don’t tailgate or act with road rage. Also, if someone happens to cut you off don’t honk your horn or yell at them through the window. If the driver is really aggressive, you can call the police and report the driver. If you accidently cut someone off, you can apologize by waving your hand in the rearview mirror for them to see and to acknowledge you made a mistake.

You don’t need to be a bully on the road or try to enforce driving rules for other drivers. Be polite, tolerant, and aware of how and where you are driving. Being a courteous driver will ensure your safety and you can avoid accidents and road rage.

About the Author: Greg Chapman of Greg Chapman Motors is a knowledgeable and leading provider of used cars, trucks, and SUV’s. Since 1959, Chapman motors has supplied reliable Austin used cars and is known as one of the best used cars austin dealers. For more information please visit

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Simple Ways to Keep Your Driving Safe

It is nearly spring and as spring breaks come up, the weather warms and vacation time rolls around, more and more people will be on the road. With that, it is time to practice extra caution, not only in the way you drive but also in watching others and their driving. Taking a these few tips into consideration and making them a part of your daily driving can help protect you, your family and those around you. They include:

1. Never Insist on The Right of Way - If you and another driver encounter a situation where both of you have the right of way or maybe even you do but the other driver is challenging you, yield to that person. Always remember that the goal is to get home safely. Try to put your irritation and ego in check and let the person go first.

2. Be Aware of Your Surroundings - Drivers are multitasking these days while driving. Whether they are talking on the phone, eating, texting or even applying makeup, they can be a danger to you. To protect yourself and your vehicle, always be alert to what other drivers are doing. Scan the road constantly, both ahead of you and behind you. Also follow the 'two-second-plus-rule' that allows a safe distance between your car and the one in front of you.

3. Slow Down - We are all in a hurry to get where we are going and yet there is nothing more dangerous than rushing. Slow down and obey traffic laws. Don't run red lights nor zip quickly in and out of lanes.

4. Learn To Drive Again - This may sound crazy but most of us learned how to drive when we were sixteen. Could we possibly still remember all the rules to driving? You would be surprised what rules you thought you knew but were violating. Taking a defensive driving course can be very helpful in ensuring you are driving as safely as possible and potentially prevent you from getting a ticket or in an accident.

5. If Tired, Rest - Many accidents are caused by drivers who are drowsy. Statistics show that tired drivers are just as dangerous as drunk drivers. If you spend a lot of time behind the wheel, be sure to stop and rest frequently and refresh. Get out of your car, stretch your legs, feel the fresh air on your face, look at something different besides miles of highway before you. Giving your brain something else to do and think about will help you become more focused.

6. Watch Those Blind Spots - Every driver has blind spots, yet do you know where yours are or potentially theirs? To protect yourself from blind spots, don't change lanes without turning and looking for other vehicles both in your mirrors and by turning your head. Signal when changing lanes in case you miss something. If you have an idea of where your blind spots are then you know where the other vehicles are, therefore, don't drive in their blindspots if you can help it.

By practicing defensive driving and being alert as much as possible, you will be surprised in how near misses, stay near misses and don't become collisions.

Greg Chapman of Greg Chapman Motors is a knowledgable and leading provider of used cars, trucks, and SUV’s. Since 1959, Chapman motors has supplied reliable used car Austin and the surrounding area. For more information please visit

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